Hormones are chemical substances that act as messengers, which our endocrine system secretes in order to coordinate our organism’s activities.
It is fundamental to know your hormonal profile if you lead a stressful life, for athletes, for insomniacs, and in special times in our life like the menopause or aging.
Hormonal Profiles
The “Hormonal Profiles” provide fundamental information to identify any imbalances and to give pinpointed advice: food, nutritional-pharmaceutical, physical exercise, sleep quality and general wellbeing.
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Redazione NatrixLab
What are circadian rhythms. In the previous article, speaking of cortisol ‘stress hormone’, we mentioned the fact that our body secretes, based on the circadian sleep-wake: taking advantage of the ...
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Redazione NatrixLab
Stress and cortisol. Christmas is approaching, and if our imagination depicts a scene lit by warm lighting, with the family table welcomed by red berries, the smell of orange peels ...
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Redazione NatrixLab
Good fats, bad fats, essential fats. In a previous article we have cleared away a preconception widespread, which would identify the fat with absolute Evil: actually fats are essential substances ...
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