NatrixLab has always dedicated special attention to researching the immune system: from the Food Intolerance Test, to identify which food proteins trigger adverse reactions in our organism, to the Celiac Test, to detect a potential celiac disorder, the Gluten Sensitivity Test, one of the first diagnostic tests in the Italian market able to detect positive non-celiac sensitivity to gluten.
Food Intolerance Test

The Food Intolerance Test (F.I.T.) is an immune-enzymatic intolerance test against 46, 92 and 184 foods, using the standardised ELISA method, which enables identifying the food protein the organism reacts adversely to.
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Celiac Test

The Celiac Test is an allergy test with highly sensitive and specific results to identify positivity for celiac disease.
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Gluten Sensitivity Test

The Gluten Sensitivity Test determines whether there are gluten sensitivity markers to measure non-celiac gluten intolerance.
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